
In Meveo, you can create Java and Javascript scripts. The code of these scripts are stored in the Meveo git repository. You can either create them from the user interface under /pages/admin/storages/scriptInstances/scriptInstances.jsf or using the REST Api.

A script can be executed from the REST Api using the default endpoint, by a Notification, a Job or an Endpoint.

To ease the communication with other components of Meveo, the user can define named inputs and outputs.

Java scripts

All java scripts should be classes that implements the org.meveo.script.ScriptInterface interface. The code of the script is deduced from full name (package name + class name) of the java class.

The parameters can either be taken from the map or be defined through setters. The parameters taken from setters will automatically be added to the list of user defined inputs.

The output can either be added to the map (which is read after the script execution) or defined in a getter.The outputs taken from getters will automatically be added to the list of user defined outputs.

package org.meveo.test;

import org.meveo.service.script.Script;
import java.util.Map;
import org.meveo.admin.exception.BusinessException;

public class TestSetterAndGetters extends Script {

    private String field1;

    public void execute(Map<String, Object> methodContext) throws BusinessException {
        String fieldFromMap = methodContext.get("fieldFromMap");
        methodContext.put("output2", "output2");

    * @param fieldValue Value of the field.
    * Just a test.
    public void setField1(String fieldValue){
        this.field1 = fieldValue;

    * @return The field previously set
    public String getOutput1(){
        return this.field1 + "increased";

Javascript scripts

The javascript scripts should just be simple scripts that will be evaluated in a java context by the GraalJS library.

The parameters are injected as variables in the script context, so we can access them directly. We can also access them using the methodContext object.

The outputs of the script must be added in the methodContext map.

var inputA = methodContext.get('input');
methodContext.put('result', inputA * 2);
var declaredVar = input * 3;
methodContext.put('result2', declaredVar);


Git server

You can access the git server like in any other git hosting provider. The remote origin will be accessible at https://{host}(:{port})/{context-root}/git/{repository-code}.

You must authenticate using your Meveo login / password

Git repository

A git repository entity reflect a git repository hosted by the Meveo instance. It is defined by a code, a description, a optional remote origin (with optional username and password), reading roles and writing roles. You can access the mangament page at /pages/admin/storages/repositories/gitRepositories.jsf.


Remote origin

When a git repository has a remote origin, the user can push / pull to / from the remote origin. Default credentials can be defined, but we can also specify them at execution of the action.

Reading roles

If reading roles are provided, only user with one of these roles will be able to pull and clone the concerned repository.

Writing roles

If writing roles are provided, only user with one of these roles will be able to push to the concerned repository.


Commit [API]

When committing a repository, you should provide a commit message and a pattern of the commited files (can be a regex). This operation is only available from API at the moment.

Push & Pull

When pushing or pulling a repository, you can specify credentials different from the default credentials. The Meveo instance will behave in the same way when he receives commits from a pull as when he receives a commit from a git client.

Import a repository

A zip file can be imported from the file system. If the repository already exist, it will be overriden. This operation is only available for repositories that have no remote origin.

Export a repository

The content of a repository can be exported as a zip file. The branch to export can be specified, default branch will be the current branch of the repository.

Managing branches [API]

We can checkout, create and delete branches of a git repository. This operation is only available from API at the moment

How to use Git in Meveo ?

Currently, the ontology elements and the scripts are stored in a dedicated git repository hosted by the running Meveo instance, called "Meveo" repository and accessible at https://{host}(:{port})/{context-root}/git/Meveo.


If you clone the Meveo repository, then make some changes to a script, and finally push it, the concerned script will be re-compiled by Meveo and updated. If you create or delete scripts, the action will be reflected on the Meveo instance.


The ontology elements are serialized under an extended JSON Schema specification. The same rules than for script applies, so if you create, modify or delete a json file, it will be reflected on the Meveo instance you pushed to.


When updating, creating, or deleting an endpoint, a javascript file will be created. This file contains a default function exported that make a fetch call to the corresponding endpoint. It takes into account the method (GET / POST), the path parameters and the body / query parameters. The return value of this function is a Response object that must be handled.