
In Meveo, you can create Java and Javascript scripts. The code of these scripts are stored in the Meveo git repository. You can either create them from the user interface under /pages/admin/storages/scriptInstances/scriptInstances.jsf or using the REST Api.

A script can be executed from the REST Api using the default endpoint, by a Notification, a Job or an Endpoint.

To ease the communication with other components of Meveo, the user can define named inputs and outputs.

Java scripts

All java scripts should be classes that implements the org.meveo.script.ScriptInterface interface. The code of the script is deduced from full name (package name + class name) of the java class.

The parameters can either be taken from the map or be defined through setters. The parameters taken from setters will automatically be added to the list of user defined inputs.

The output can either be added to the map (which is read after the script execution) or defined in a getter.The outputs taken from getters will automatically be added to the list of user defined outputs.

package org.meveo.test;

import org.meveo.service.script.Script;
import java.util.Map;
import org.meveo.admin.exception.BusinessException;

public class TestSetterAndGetters extends Script {

    private String field1;

    public void execute(Map<String, Object> methodContext) throws BusinessException {
        String fieldFromMap = methodContext.get("fieldFromMap");
        methodContext.put("output2", "output2");

    * @param fieldValue Value of the field.
    * Just a test.
    public void setField1(String fieldValue){
        this.field1 = fieldValue;

    * @return The field previously set
    public String getOutput1(){
        return this.field1 + "increased";

Javascript scripts

The javascript scripts should just be simple scripts that will be evaluated in a java context by the GraalJS library.

The parameters are injected as variables in the script context, so we can access them directly. We can also access them using the methodContext object.

The outputs of the script must be added in the methodContext map.

var inputA = methodContext.get('input');
methodContext.put('result', inputA * 2);
var declaredVar = input * 3;
methodContext.put('result2', declaredVar);


Git server

You can access the git server like in any other git hosting provider. The remote origin will be accessible at https://{host}(:{port})/{context-root}/git/{repository-code}.

You must authenticate using your Meveo login / password

Git repository

A git repository entity reflect a git repository hosted by the Meveo instance. It is defined by a code, a description, a optional remote origin (with optional username and password), reading roles and writing roles. You can access the mangament page at /pages/admin/storages/repositories/gitRepositories.jsf.


Remote origin

When a git repository has a remote origin, the user can push / pull to / from the remote origin. Default credentials can be defined, but we can also specify them at execution of the action.

Reading roles

If reading roles are provided, only user with one of these roles will be able to pull and clone the concerned repository.

Writing roles

If writing roles are provided, only user with one of these roles will be able to push to the concerned repository.


Commit [API]

When committing a repository, you should provide a commit message and a pattern of the commited files (can be a regex). This operation is only available from API at the moment.

Push & Pull

When pushing or pulling a repository, you can specify credentials different from the default credentials. The Meveo instance will behave in the same way when he receives commits from a pull as when he receives a commit from a git client.

Import a repository

A zip file can be imported from the file system. If the repository already exist, it will be overriden. This operation is only available for repositories that have no remote origin.

Export a repository

The content of a repository can be exported as a zip file. The branch to export can be specified, default branch will be the current branch of the repository.

Managing branches [API]

We can checkout, create and delete branches of a git repository. This operation is only available from API at the moment

How to use Git in Meveo ?

Currently, the ontology elements and the scripts are stored in a dedicated git repository hosted by the running Meveo instance, called "Meveo" repository and accessible at https://{host}(:{port})/{context-root}/git/Meveo.


If you clone the Meveo repository, then make some changes to a script, and finally push it, the concerned script will be re-compiled by Meveo and updated. If you create or delete scripts, the action will be reflected on the Meveo instance.


The ontology elements are serialized under an extended JSON Schema specification. The same rules than for script applies, so if you create, modify or delete a json file, it will be reflected on the Meveo instance you pushed to.


When updating, creating, or deleting an endpoint, a javascript file will be created. This file contains a default function exported that make a fetch call to the corresponding endpoint. It takes into account the method (GET / POST), the path parameters and the body / query parameters. The return value of this function is a Response object that must be handled.

SQL Configuration

SQL Configuration is introduced in version 6.6.0. The idea is to have an option to store different studies on different database locations. For example, study a is stored on data source a while study b is on data source b. By default, the MEVEO manage connection is still available and save as the "default" SqlConfiguration and linked to a "default" repository stored in a database. Unchanged, this is still where the CETs are saved.

SQL Connection Provider

The default repository and SQL configuration are checked on the application start and created if they don’t exist yet in the database. The code for this feature is in class SQLConnectionProvider. This class also contains the methods to open a new SQL connection with a given SQL configuration. See SQLConnectionProvider.getSession(SQLConfiguration).


A repository is a storage object that holds the connection setting for the different data sources. Currently, there are three supported data sources SQL, Neo4j and Binary or files.

The data on two or more SQL data sources are not merged, that is why a repository filter is provided on both API and GUI.

SQL Configuration Table

Here are the fields of the table SqlConfiguration:

Table 1. SQL Configuration Table



String driverClass

The class used to load this data source, the appropriate jar must be in the classpath. By default, PostgreSQL and Neo4j are already loaded.

String url

This is the URL of this data source. For example jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/meveo.

String username

The data source’s username.

String password

The data source’s password.

String dialect

The data source’s dialect. Hibernate uses dialect configuration to know which database you are using so that it can switch to the database-specific SQL generator code whenever necessary.

boolean initialized

True if this data source has already been initialized.


In the GUI, A new CRUD page is created for SQL Configuration. It is available under Administration / Storages / SQL Configuration menu.

An API endpoint is created for SQL Configuration CRUD operations accessible at /api/rest/sql/configurations. Available operations are CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, LIST, FIND.

Here is an example request for creating an SQL Configuration:

Endpoint: /api/rest/sql/configurations
Method: POST
    "code": "POSTGRESQL2",
    "description": "PostgreSQL Database",
    "driverClass": "org.postgresql.Driver",
    "url": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/meveo",
    "username": "meveo",
    "password": "meveo",
    "dialect": "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"

Maven Configuration

Before a Script is compiled by adding all the jar dependencies of the project and Wildfly’s libraries. Maven configuration allows adding a jar from another source repository at runtime using the Aether library.

Data Model

Remote repository is save in the database.

Table 2. Remote Repository Fields
Field Description

String code

Code of the remote repository

String url

Remote repository URL. Example


Remote repository can be modified under the Configuration / Maven configuration menu.

An API endpoint is available under /mavenConfiguration/remoteRepository URL.

Supported operations are:

  • POST - Create or update

  • GET - Returns the list of repositories

  • DELETE - Deletes a repository with a given code

An example POST request

	"code": "JBOSS_PUBLIC",
	"url": ""

Uploading a Jar Dependency

A jar dependency can be uploaded in 2 ways.

1.) GUI. Which is accessible from Configuration / Maven configuration menu.

Using the GUI, a remote repository can be added by specifying the code and the URL.

2.) API. With the endpoint /mavenConfiguration/upload and method=POST.

A maven configuration dependency model contains the following fields.

Table 3. Maven Configuration Dependency Fields
Field Description


Zipped maven content


The name of the file


Group Id of the dependency


Artifact Id of the dependency


Version number of the dependency


Classifier of the dependency

Script Integration

To add a dependency using maven configuration, a new parameter is added when compiling a script which is mavenDependencies. This new dependency will be use when compiling and running the script. So the script should not throw any compilation issue even if the jar file is not a project dependency or in Wildfly’s library.

For example let’s create a script that depends to commons-math3 dependency which is not a dependency of the project.

    "code" : "org.meveo.test.script.FunctionIO",
    "script" : "
		package org.meveo.test.script;
		import org.apache.commons.math3.util.CombinatoricsUtils;
		import org.meveo.service.script.Script;
		import java.util.HashMap;
		import java.util.Map;
		import org.meveo.admin.exception.BusinessException;
		port org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
		import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
		import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;

		public class FunctionIO extends Script {
			public void execute(Map <String, Object> methodContext) throws BusinessException {
				long factorial = CombinatoricsUtils.factorial(10);
				Options options = new Options();
				options.addOption("p", "print", false, "Send print request to printer.")
					.addOption("g", "gui", false, "Show GUI Application")
					.addOption("n", true, "No. of copies to print");

				HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
				formatter.printHelp("CLITester", options);

				String result = "factorial(10)=" + factorial;
				methodContext.put(RESULT_VALUE, result);
    "mavenDependencies": [
	    	"groupId": "org.apache.commons",
	    	"artifactId": "commons-math3",
	    	"version": "3.6.1",
	    	"classifier": "",
	    	"coordinates": ""
    "fileDependencies": [
    		"path": "D:\Java\.m2\repository\commons-cli\commons-cli\1.4\commons-cli-1.4.jar"
    		"path": "D:\Javaglowroot"

Note that for this demonstration, I have also added a file dependency which will look for a file in the local machine when compiling a script.

MEVEO as a Maven Repository

Starting from version 6.6.0, MEVEO can act as a maven repository. Which means that a jar file that will be use as dependency to script can be uploaded and reference from it.

The URL of the repository is <MEVEO_URL>/maven/<groupId>/<artifactId>/<version>/<jar_file>-<version>.jar.

Note that the directory structure must exists as well as the file inside the providers.rootDir property value. For example d:/temp/meveo/.m2/org/apache/commons/commons-math3/3.6.1/commons-math3-3.6.1.jar

File Explorer

When creating, updating or deleting a entity module, the file will be generated and stored to file explorer directory for the user’s provider.


For GUI, File explorer can be modified under the Services / File explorer menu.

An API for managing the app file system preset in a specific folder.

Supported operations are:

  • POST - Create directory from where to list files, zip file, zip directory, suppress file, suppress directory, upload file

  • GET - Returns the list of files or list directory from where to list files, download file

Add file/folder from File Explorer to Module

1.) GUI.From Services / File explorer menu, a file/folder can be added to a module by "Add To Module" button.

2.) API.The URL of module <MEVEO_URL>/module/<code>/file/add and method=POST. Example: http://localhost:8080/meveo/module/moduleModule/file/add. With path="\classes\org\meveo".

Note <code> is the code of module and path of file must exists inside the File Explorer.

When exporting a module that is related to file(s), automatically zip it.

A module that is related to file(s) can be exported and automatically zipped in 2 ways.

1.) GUI.From Deployment / Module menu, selcet the module(s) containing the file(s) then click "Export Selection" button.

2.) API. Which is accessible with /api/rest/module/export and method=GET.

Import a zipped module with files

When importing a zipped module with files, put them into the file explorer under the same path.

A zipped module with files can be imported in 2 ways.

1.) GUI.From Deployment / Module menu, click "Import Data" button and select a zipped module to import.

2.) API.A zipped module is imported with api/rest/module/importZip and method=POST. A module upload model contains the following fields.

Table 4. Module Upload Fields
Field Description


Zipped module with files


The name of the file

Endpoint Open API Documentation

Swagger Dynamically Generated Document

MEVEO has the capability to dynamically generate a Swagger standard schema of a given endpoint. This feature is available via API.


Javascript Auto-Generated Interface

To automate the creation of GUI, MEVEO provides an endpoint that can be used to manage a custom entity template. It serves a dynamically generated endpoint javascript interface that can be used by the frontend application to send CRUD requests to the server.

Request Schema

The request schema is an Open API v3 Draft7 standard document that is created from the non-path parameters of an endpoint (field parametersMapping).

These parameters are passed to an endpoint and mapped to the linked script.

Currently two types of parameters are supported. Get and Body. Get is basically the query parameters, it’s data type corresponds to the Java native types. On the other hand a body parameter, is represented as a JSON object. It can be as complicated as needed. In Meveo, it can be a custom entity template on several layers, meaning custom entity template a can have a field custom entity template b.

This feature is available via API at:


Response Schema

The response schema is an Open API v3 Draft7 standard document. It represents the data type saved in endpoint’s returnedVariableName.

The returnedVariableName, is a name of a field inside a script where it is mapped from the endpoint. It can be a Java native data type and can be a custom entity template as well.

For example, we have a script ScriptTest that is linked to our endpoint. This ScriptTest has a custom entity template property named Account.

public class ScriptTest extends Script {

	private Account account;

	public Account getAccount() {
		return account;

	public void setAccount(Account account) {
		this.account = account;

To tell our endpoint that we want to return the value of the account after the execution, we need to set the value of endpoint.returnedVariableName=account.

This feature is available via API at:


Javascript Interface

An API that provides a working service or interface for managing CRUD operations of a custom entity template is available. This interface is automatically created and save in Meveo’s internal Git system, which is normally located at <PROVIDERS_DIR>\git\Meveo\endpoints.


For reference, here is an example endpoint’s javascript interface

const buildRequestParameters = (parameters, schema) => {
    if (schema) {
        const errors = []
        const requestParameters = Object.keys(
        ).reduce((reqParameters, property) => {
            const value = parameters[property]
            const isRequired =[property].required

            if (isRequired && !value) {
                errors.push(`${property} is required.`)
            } else if (!!value) {
                return {
                    [property]: value
            return reqParameters
        }, {})
        if (errors.length > 0) {
            throw errors
        return requestParameters
    return null

const EVENT = {
    SUCCESS: "Updatepost-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpoint-SUCCESS",
    ERROR: "Updatepost-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpoint-ERROR"

export const registerEventListeners = (
) => {
    if (successCallback) {
        component.addEventListener(EVENT.SUCCESS, successCallback);
    if (errorCallback) {
        component.addEventListener(EVENT.ERROR, errorCallback);

export const getRequestSchema = async (parameters, config) => {
    return {
  "title": "post-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpointRequest",
  "id": "post-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpointRequest",
  "default": "Schema definition for post-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpoint",
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "qparam3": {
      "title": "Consumption",
      "description": "Consumption",
      "id": "Consumption",
      "storages": [
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "date": {
          "title": "",
          "description": "Date",
          "id": "CE_Consumption_date",
          "storages": [
          "nullable": false,
          "readOnly": false,
          "versionable": false,
          "indexType": "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time"
        "amount": {
          "title": "Consumption.amount",
          "description": "Amount",
          "id": "CE_Consumption_amount",
          "storages": [
          "nullable": false,
          "readOnly": false,
          "versionable": false,
          "indexType": "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
          "type": "integer"
        "account": {
          "title": "Consumption.account",
          "description": "Account",
          "id": "CE_Consumption_account",
          "storages": [
          "nullable": false,
          "readOnly": false,
          "versionable": false,
          "indexType": "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
          "type": "string",
          "minLength": 1,
          "maxLength": 255
      "required": [
    "qparam2": {
      "title": "Account",
      "description": "Account",
      "id": "Account",
      "storages": [
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "accountCode": {
          "title": "Account.accountCode",
          "description": "Account code",
          "id": "CE_Account_accountCode",
          "storages": [
          "nullable": false,
          "readOnly": false,
          "versionable": false,
          "indexType": "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
          "type": "string",
          "minLength": 1,
          "maxLength": 255
        "accountType": {
          "title": "Account.accountType",
          "description": "Account type",
          "id": "CE_Account_accountType",
          "storages": [
          "nullable": false,
          "readOnly": false,
          "versionable": false,
          "indexType": "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
          "type": "string",
          "minLength": 1,
          "maxLength": 255
      "required": [
    "qparam1": {
      "title": "qparam1",
      "type": "string",
      "minLength": 1

export const getResponseSchema = async (parameters, config) => {
    return {
  "title": "post-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpointResponse",
  "id": "post-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpointResponse",
  "default": "Schema definition for post-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpoint",
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "consumption": {
      "title": "Consumption",
      "description": "Consumption",
      "id": "Consumption",
      "storages": [
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "date": {
          "title": "",
          "description": "Date",
          "id": "CE_Consumption_date",
          "storages": [
          "nullable": false,
          "readOnly": false,
          "versionable": false,
          "indexType": "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time"
        "amount": {
          "title": "Consumption.amount",
          "description": "Amount",
          "id": "CE_Consumption_amount",
          "storages": [
          "nullable": false,
          "readOnly": false,
          "versionable": false,
          "indexType": "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
          "type": "integer"
        "account": {
          "title": "Consumption.account",
          "description": "Account",
          "id": "CE_Consumption_account",
          "storages": [
          "nullable": false,
          "readOnly": false,
          "versionable": false,
          "indexType": "INDEX_NOT_ANALYZE",
          "type": "string",
          "minLength": 1,
          "maxLength": 255
      "required": [

export const executeApiCall = async (
    successCallback, // optional
    errorCallback // optional
) => {
    registerEventListeners(component, successCallback, errorCallback);
    const parameters = params || {};
    const {
    } = parameters;

    // the name of the config variable is the name of the module
    const {
        Updatepost-OpenApiGenerateCetTest-endpoint: {
    } = config || {};

    // the baseUrl can be overridden by indicating a OVERRIDE_URL in config,
    // by default it will use the same URL as the client application
    // or if this is auto-generated by meveo, it will have the server's host url
    const baseUrl = OVERRIDE_URL || window.location.origin; // ||

    // just an example how to use the useMock parameter to switch between mock and actual endpoints.
    const apiUrl = USE_MOCK ?
        `${baseUrl}/auth/realms/meveo/account?useMock=true` :

    //fetch request schema to filter out optional parameters that should not be passed into the request
    try {
        const requestSchema = await getRequestSchema(parameters);
        const requestParameters = buildRequestParameters(parameters, requestSchema);
        const parameterKeys = Object.keys(requestParameters || {});
        const hasParameters = requestParameters && parameterKeys.length > 0;

        const requestUrl = new URL(apiUrl);
        if (hasParameters) {
            parameterKeys.forEach(key => {
                requestUrl.searchParams.append(key, requestParameters[key]);

        const headers = new Headers();
        headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
        headers.append("Accept", "application/json");
        headers.append("Authorization", `Bearer ${token}`);

        const options = {
            method: "GET",

        const response = await fetch(requestUrl, options);
        if (!response.ok) {
            throw [
                `Encountered error calling API: ${apiUrl}`,
                `Status code: ${response.status} [${response.statusText}]`
        // if accept = "application/json" otherwise return response.text()
        const result = await response.json();
            new CustomEvent(EVENT.SUCCESS, {
                detail: {
                bubbles: true
    } catch (error) {
            new CustomEvent(EVENT.ERROR, {
                detail: {
                bubbles: true